Thursday, December 10, 2009

Setting up Allegro in Visual C++ 2010

Before I even tell you how to set-up allegro, let me tell you something about Allegro.

Basically Allegro is a game programming library that gives the game programmer much more power to create games with ease. More on Wiki.

Now, setting up Allegro on Dev-Cpp is a bit easier than setting up in Visual C++ which is why this tutorial is made in the first place. If you want me to show you how to setup allegro in Dev-Cpp then please do not hesitate to ask for tutorial. I will be more than happy to walk you through the process. After that said, let us go to tutorial.


->Go to and in the files section download the latest allegro library for your appropriate compiler.


->After you downloaded the files open the zipped file and copy the files from “bin” ,”include”, “lib”  to their respective order to your Microsoft Visual C++ folder. Your “VC” folder inside Microsoft Visual Studio should have the same folder as you downloaded one. Put all the files.

->Copy the “bin” files from your zipped file to “Windows/system32/” folder too. After that you have completely configured your compiler to atleast look for the library if it needs it.


->Before you start typing the code, first you will need to make a new project (making just a new file will not do).

->After that go to Project->Option->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input and in the Additional dependencies click the drop-down box and click edit. Type “alld.lib”. And you’re done.


You have configured Allegro in your Visual C++ 2010 for that project. Congratulation!!!, If you are still confused and lost then the video below might be useful.


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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fill or Bust V3 Complete Game

After two weeks we finally completed our project. Hope our professor will like what we have done with our code. I love deadlines, it’s when you get to see people starting to work in a group trying to solve the same problem. And I am glad that we completed this project in a group rather than a solo effort. HURRAY FOR US

Nicole - (Mainly worked on Logic of the game)

Aric - (Mainly worked on the Graphics)

Trent - (Bug fixer/ Part Graphics)

Yojan - (Bug fixer / Part Logic)

Download the Game

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Fill or Bust Game : Working on it

Ok, so this is our final project for this semester. It is supposed to cover all the things that we are taught. Even though I have no clue how to play this game here are the rules:-


2 or more players
Ages 9 to Adult

The game consists of:
12 - 300 pt. "BONUS" cards
10 - 400 pt. "BONUS" cards
8 - 500 pt. "BONUS" cards
8 - "NO DICE" cards
6 - "FILL 1000" cards
4 - "MUST BUST!" cards
4 - "VENGEANCE 2500" cards
2 - "DOUBLE TROUBLE" cards

The object of the game is to be the highest scorer. You can play to any number, for example, 5,000 or 10,000 points. The winner would be the first player to reach goal. Or, you can play within any time limit. The winner would then be the highest scorer at the end of the time period.

You need to supply paper and pencil for scoring


Shuffle the DRAW CARDS before each game and place them face down in the middle of the table.

You start by selecting a player to begin. Each player tosses one die. The player with the highest toss begins the game. Play continues clockwise.

RULE 1 You MUST turn over a DRAW CARD before each turn and after each "FILL". The card you turn over will determine your course of play. How you play each card is explained later under "PLAYING THE DRAW CARDS".

RULE 2—You MUST score EVERY time you toss the dice. After turning over a card, you begin your turn by tossing all six dice.

You score by tossing 1s, 5s, any triples or a straight (1,2,3,4,5 and 6 thrown in a single toss of all six dice). The chart under "SCORING WITH THE DICE" shows the points you will receive for the combinations thrown.

RULE 3 After each toss you MUST remove some or all of the scoring dice. Set aside all the scoring dice you have chosen and add up their points.

You can decide to take these points and add them to the scoresheet ending your turn. Or, you can take a chance and try to score more points with the remaining dice.


If you can continue to score on every toss of the dice, and you eventually set aside all six dice., YOU HAVE SCORED A "FILL"~

After scoring a "FILL" you can decide to take the points scored during that turn and add them to the scoresheet, ending your turn. Or, you can take a chance and try to score more points by turning over another "DRAW CARD" and start by tossing all six dice again.

There is no limit to the number of "FILLS" that may be scored in a turn.


If on any toss you DO NOT score, that toss is a "BUST".

When you "BUST' during a turn, you lose ALL the points you scored in that tum. You do not lose any points that were already added to the scoresheet.

After a "BUST", your turn ends and you pass the dice to the next player.


The object of scoring with the dice is to roll as many points in a turn as possible without tossing a "BUST".

It is up to you to decide when to stop, take your points and add them to the scoresheet where they are safe. Or whether to risk your points and continue tossing the dice in order to try and score more points.

The chart below shows the points you receive according to the combinations you toss.


A triple can only be scored in a single toss of the dice. You CANNOT add dice from different tosses together to form a triple. For example, you cannot add a single die from one toss to a pair of the same number from another toss to create a triple.


In a single toss of all six dice you must throw a 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. A straight can only be scored on the first toss of your turn or the first toss after scoring a "FILL" when you are tossing all six dice.


The DRAW CARDS are used to add variety and excitement to the game.

Depending on which card is drawn, DRAW CARDS make scoring easier or more difficult. Some cards give you bonus points for scoring a "FILL", and some cards take away your turn. One card can be used to subtract points from the leaders' score.

The DRAW CARDS are shuffled and placed face down at the center of the table. As the cards are drawn, they are turned face up and placed in a discard pile.


You draw a card before each turn begins.

A card is also drawn after each "FILL" is scored if you decide to continue your turn.

The card drawn will determine how you will proceed with your turn.


BONUS 300, 400 and 500

When you draw a "BONUS" card you will receive bonus points ONLY IF you score a "FILL".

The amount of the bonus is determined by the number on each card. This number is added to the points scored in that turn.

You have the option to stop tossing before you score a "FILL" with this card. However, if you stop before a "FILL", you DO NOT collect the bonus points.


When you draw a "NO DICE" card you lose your turn.

If "NO DICE" is drawn after a "FILL", you lose ALL points scored in that turn. You do not lose any points that have already been added to the scoresheet.

FILL 1000

When you draw this card, you MUST score a "FILL". You lose your option to stop tossing the dice before scoring a "FILL".

If you score a "FILL", ADD an extra 1000 points to those points scored in that turn.

If you "BUST" before scoring a "FILL", you lose your turn and all oints scored in that turn. You do not lose any points already on the scoresheet.


The "MUST BUST' card makes scoring the easiest. When you draw this card you are certain to score points unless you "BUST" on your first toss.

You begin by tossing all six dice. After each toss you MUST set aside ALL scoring dice. You continue to toss the dice, setting aside all scoring dice and adding up your points until you toss a "BUST". There is no limit to the number of tosses or "FILLS" that you may make.

You do not draw another card after each "FILL" when playing the MUST BUST card.

After you "BUST", you ADD the total number of points that you scored in that turn to the scoresheet. You then pass the dice to the next player.


When you draw "DOUBLE TROUBLE", you MUST score two consecutive "FILLS". You lose your option to stop tossing before you "FILL" two times consecutively. If you score two consecutive "FILLS", double all the points you scored in that turn an add the total to the scoresheet.

After adding your total to the scoresheet, you can continue your turn without the risk of losing those points.

If you "BUST" before scoring two "FILLS", you lose your turn and all the points you scored in that turn. You do not lose any points already on the scoresheet.


This card can only be used against the player with the highest core. If two or more players are tied for the lead, the "VENGEANCE" Gard is used against all of them.

When you draw a "VENGEANCE" card, you have the option of playing the card or not. If you choose not to play the card, discard and draw again.

If you choose to play the card, you MUST score a "FILL". If you "FILL", total all the points scored in that turn and add them to the scoresheet.

SUBTRACT 2500 points from the leaders score. If two or more players are tied for the lead, each player loses 2500 points. If the leader(s) has less than 2500 points, his score becomes zero.

After scoring a 'VENGEANCE FILL", you can continue your turn without risking the points that were add to the scoresheet durig that turn.

If you "BUST", before scoring a "VENGEANCE FILL", you lose your turn and all points scored in that tum. You do not lose any points already on the scoresheet.


The leader can only play the "VENGEANCE" card if one or more players are tied with him for the lead If the leader draws the "VENGEANCE" card and no one is tied with him, he must discard and draw again.

BEWARE: With every extra toss of the dlce or draw of a card, you take the risk of losing any points you have scored which have NOT been added to the scoresheet.


Select teams with an equal number of players. Players are situated so that each team alternates in turn. One player from each team tosses one die. The team with the highest toss begins. Play continues clockwise. Team play is suggested for groups of 8 or more players. All rules remain the same. However, you can choose to double the value of "VENGEANCE 2500" for more excitement.


All toumament play is within a timed period. Split all players up into groups or 2 to 6 players. These groups play 20 to 30 minute rounds. When all groups do not have an equal number of players, allow 5 to 10 minutes per player in each group. Any tum in progress at the end of the time period is played out.


After Round 1 all players are listed in order from the highest scorer to the lowest. The top half of the higher scorers proceed to Round 2. The bottom half are eliminated. Continue play by listing the players after Round 2. The top half of the higher scorers proceed to the next round while the bottom half are eliminated. Continue playing rounds until all but the top 2 players are eliminated. These 2 players then participate in a 15 minute "FACE-OFF" Round.

The highest scorer wins.

In double elimination , a player who scores in the lower half of all scorers twice is eliminated.

All players must agree to an option before the game starts for the optional rules to be valid. One or more of these optional rules may be used in a game.

SHOW DOWN option
When a player has won the game, the remaining players each have one last chance to out score or "VENGEANCE" the leader. The highest scorer after this final SHOW DOWN round wins. If a successful "VENGEANCE" card has been played and the leader's score has been brought under the goal, the game continues until some player reaches goal again.

MUST BUST! option
"MUST BUST" can be played as a penalty card. When you draw "MUST BUST" under this option, you begin by tossing all six dice. You continue tossing until you "BUST". SUBTRACT the total number of points scored in that turn from your board score and pass the dice to the next player.

COMBO 5 option
Any combination of 5 (2+3 or 4+1) can be set aside to score 50 points. This option can only be used to score a "FILL"

Will post the game once it’s done!!


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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hangman with Graphics

Well, this was my assignment when I was studying CS1 (Python). One of my first game in python with graphics, I have to say. It’s not pretty but it’s something.

Download Hangman

If you need the description about the functions and the process of how the game works then feel free to comment about in the comment box.